Unleash Your Money Magic: Manifest Abundance with Gratitude

: Unleash Your Money Magic: Manifest Abundance with Gratitude:

You hold the key to unlocking the magic of money in your life. In this article, we will explore powerful practices that can help you shift your mindset, cultivate gratitude, and manifest abundance effortlessly. If you’ve ever desired to create a life filled with financial prosperity and joy, it’s time to take responsibility for your own path and embrace the abundance that awaits you. Let’s delve into the enchanting world of Money Magic and discover how you can manifest the life you’ve always dreamed of.

1.) Take Responsibility

“I take full responsibility for my life and everything in it.”

2.) Stop Complaining

“Everything is working out for my highest good and I can’t wait to see what’s next.”

3.) Write Gratitudes in your Magic Money Journal 

  • Gratitude 1: Write Gratitudes – keep a running list, and write in it daily
  •  Gratitude 2: Stop, Acknowledge, Write – if in lack or fear, stop the momentum, walk around and touch everything you are grateful for, write your gratitudes
  • Gratitude 3: Acceleration – Write thank you notes of gratitude to everyone you can think of giving thanks for

4.) Watch for and Record Your Results in your Magic Money Journal

  • Record Receptivity – take a record of all the abundance you’ve received
  • Record Results – When you receive unexpected income or forms of gifts, write it down!
5.) Write Intentions for Manifestation in your Magic Money Journal
“It would be great if _____ happened.”
“Wouldn’t it be nice if _____ happened.”
“I’m going to need _____ to show up.”
Make your order to the universe like you would think it, set it, and watch it be delivered. Keep it in your journal
  • Think it/ Set it
  • Receive It
Remember that incremental growth is fine, start small, let it grow. For instance, 
  1. Affirm that you find money everywhere you go.
  2. Affirm that unexpected money comes to you easily, gently, and joyfully.
  3. Affirm that large sums of money are coming to you continuously from multiple sources in the highest and best way for all involved and that you get to keep and spend joyfully.

Let your intention manifestation muscles grow.

Say the first one several times per day and see what happens, record it all.

Then say the second one, or another one that seems easy to attain, because you don’t want to be saying something you don’t actually believe.

Be sure you believe it, and it will happen. Use all your senses of thought, visualization, sound, voice, gesture, and movement activations to bring it along with the most wonderful emotion and passion you can dream with it


In addition to the wisdom shared in Holly Alexander’s renowned book, “Money Magic,” we draw inspiration from various resources and techniques. Join us on this comprehensive journey that combines insights from authors such as Louise Hay and Brian Scott, alongside powerful practices including Transformative Visualization, Chi Gong, Dream Technology, Guided Visualization, Sound Therapy, and various forms of Meditation. These diverse modalities provide a holistic approach to enhancing abundance in your life.

If you’re eager to delve deeper into the realms of abundance and explore these transformative techniques, consider enrolling in our comprehensive course. Our course brings together the teachings of Holly Alexander, Louise Hay, Brian Scott, and an array of powerful practices. Embark on this transformative journey and unlock the full potential of your abundance.

For those seeking further inspiration and insight, Holly Alexander’s informational book, “Money Magic,” as well as resources from authors like Louise Hay and Brian Scott, can provide valuable guidance. These transformative teachings have touched the lives of many, and we invite you to explore their wisdom alongside us on this remarkable abundance journey..

D.E. Love writes about life and how we may love it more deeply. She is a conscious creator across industries who dreams of love in all its magnificent forms becoming a deeper part of our lives for thriving into our shared future.

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Hello! My name is D.E. Love

Dream Coach, Futurist, Digital Innovations Designer, Networker, Writer, Dancer, Singer, Lover

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